Mag. Inga Kokalevska
e-mail: inga.kokalevska(at)
Inga Kokalevska was born in Russia and grew up in the Czech Republic where she graduated from Charles University, Prague, from the Department of Slavic and East European Studies. She was granted several scholarships enabling her to study in Germany, at the Slavic Literature Department of the University of Konstanz, and in the USA, at the UC Berkeley and Harvard. In 2004-06 she worked as coordinator of the project on Hybridity in Russian Culture (Hybride kulturelle Formen in Russland) at the University of Konstanz. In 2006-08 she was editor of the internet-based server (Russia Today) on Russian politics and culture. At the same time she lectured Russian Literature, History and Language at the University of Konstanz. From 2006 - 2009 she was a member of the project Figure of the Third at the University of Konstanz, funded by the German Research Foundation. After that, she spent some time in New York doing an internship in the Russian Program of the East West Institute. She now lives in Vienna working on the research project on European Historical Dictatorship at the Institute of Contemporary History of the University of Vienna. Inga Kokalevska is writing her Ph.D. thesis on Androgyny and Power in the Soviet culture of the 1920s-30s. Beside the Stalinist culture her research interests include contemporary Russian literature, media and politics.
O reprezentaci androgynního těla v sovětské kultuře stalinského období. In: Miluše Zadražilová, Kamila Chlupáčová (ed.), Žena v moderní ruské literatuře. (in print)
Přínos cinemetriky je ohromný, jen zatím ještě nevíme, jaký přesně. Rozhovor s Jurijem Civjanem. In: Cinepur, 56/08, Praha 2008
Woman or Man? Androgynous Bodies in the Soviet Culture of the 1930s. In: Petr Roubal, Lukáš Babka (eds.), Prague Perspectives II. The History of East Central Europe and Russia. Prague 2007
Politická moc politizovala věci, které vůbec neměly politický význam. Rozhovor s Michailem Jampolským. (spolu s T. Liptákem) In: Babylon, 05/07, Praha 2007
O (ne)závislosti ruských médií. (spolu s T. Liptákem) In: Britské listy, 3.7.2007
Jak se Jelcin zapsal do paměti Rusů? In:, 8.5.2007
Moskva včera a dnes. In:, 18.12.2006
Russische Tagespresse. SoSe 2006/07, Universität Konstanz
Geschlecht und Macht in der sowjetischen Kultur der 20er und 30er Jahre. WS 2007/08, Universität Konstanz
Gegenwärtige Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Russlands. WS 2007/08, Universität Konstanz
Zeitgenössische russische Literatur. SoSe 2007/08, Universität Konstanz
Geschichte Russlands des 20. Jhs. in Texten und Dokumenten. SoSe 2007/08, Universität Konstanz
Russisch für Slavisten. SoSe 2007/08, Universität Konstanz
Russisch für Nichtslavisten. SoSe 2007/08, Universität Konstanz
University of Vienna
Spitalgasse 2-4, Hof 1
A-1090 Vienna